Performance Edge Blog

Getting value from engagement feedback

by Chris Musgrove

20 April 2022

Over the last few months we have seen a real surge in businesses wanting to “get under the skin” of their engagement feedback.

HR teams and leaders want to really understand the experiences and perspectives that surround the raw data points that engagement surveys generate.

Statistical data points are useful, but they are not the whole picture.

For example, understanding that some people do not feel that they really connect to each other is useful, but by itself this doesn’t tell you much more.

No indication of what to do about it, no nuance, no next steps.

Here are some observations, taken from 2 of our current projects in multinational companies, that you might find useful:

🐌 Slowing down helps you speed up.

It might feel counterintuitive in a busy marketplace to spend time gathering perspective and analysing, but doing so makes next steps more effective and supports prioritisation.

⌛ Statistics last forever, perspective fades.

It’s possible to gather statistics and data points that can be reviewed decades from now, but without perspectives from people it is always incomplete. However, these perspectives are perishable and can be contaminated if not gathered in an effective manner.

📈 Analysis makes difficult conversations easier.

Emotions can run high after a period of engagement or intense activity, which can be a barrier to productive conversations about next steps. Gathering information, anonymising and analysing it to deal with themes and trends makes safe start points to discuss performance, set goals and deal with issues (keeping “blame” well away from it).

Data Analysis

Understanding your data and making informed next steps

Our unique process of Debriefing and Decompression, designed and tested in environments where performance really matters, such as elite sports programmes, has been helping teams understand their data and take more informed next steps.

If you’d like a copy of our 1-pager that looks at Debriefing and Decompression as a support to HR engagement activity, or you would like to find out how you can join the increasing number of teams that want to cut through the noise and create really impactful performance interventions, just get in touch.

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