High Performance Insights – Curated by Leading Edge – with the support of our network

Leading Edge Coaching

When we first started to explore the concept of collating together the high performance insights from our extensive network, we were in the very real grip of the pre-vaccinations phase of coronavirus.

Our daily zoom conversations were peppered with ‘unprecedented’ and ‘the new normal’ – and we felt we had been afforded an opportunity to embark on unearthing and sharing the real ‘points of difference’ that position high performance organisations apart.

Armed with the results from the survey we’d commissioned, we reached out to a cross section of our contacts and clients, and we were overwhelmed by the response – both in terms of number of high-performance individuals and leaders who wanted to comment and participate, and in the amount of time and effort they gave to our working with us on it.

High Performance Insights 2021

They validated the themes we’d identified and brought richness through personal endorsement and storytelling that (for me personally!) removed any secret thoughts I may have been harbouring of not having anything new or valuable to add (let’s call it ‘imposter syndrome’) – and ‘proved’ the importance of the five distinct insight areas we’d identified.

But what impressed me the most is the fact they did it so humbly.  No bravado or bluff in the world of high-performance.  I continue to be blown away by the authentic vulnerability, desire to be ‘better’ and abundance of sharing that transcends sport, or organisation ambition, geography and ‘job role’.

I am personally proud to have been able to steer the ‘High Performance Insights – Curated by Leading Edge’ to its publication.  I’ve sometimes been surprised at the marked difference in responses to the survey – and the views from our network.   (Data like 1 in 10 organisations not having a hybrid-working strategy for example is perplexing)   But I’ve really enjoyed the opportunity to reflect on how valid Leading Edge’s ‘Point of View’ on leadership, team and change remain.  And I’m excited to introduce more widely our thinking on ‘belonging’ and ‘leading with love’.

What I’m REALLY looking forward to is the conversations that it will provoke and being able to build even greater learning around high-performance.

I hope you find it valuable – I would love to hear your thoughts!

Download your copy here: High Performance Insights – curated by Leading Edge – Leading Edge (leading-edge.co.uk)


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Michaela Weller

Director, Brand & Offer

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