Seeking high performance wherever it may be found.

British Intelligence ‘Influencing’ members of insurgent groups to reveal information… what’s the image that’s in your mind?  Chairs bolted to the floor, spotlights, shackles…?  Mine too when I was invited to attend a seminar by Applied Influence Group – ex British intelligence who’ve codified an approach to Influence

Alongside myth busting my ITV drama series based concepts of what that intelligence modus operandi might be…  the seminar made me reflect on how we can better access the ‘experts’ in a given aspect of development

How often is our best practise thinking confined to the boundaries of ‘people like me’, industries like ours, books by learned theorists?

What if we could ‘magpie like’ spot and steal high performance concepts from a wider variety of sources, and work hard to apply it in a pragmatic way to our own challenges and needs? 

To date for me this has been the driver in my interest in professional sport.. but I’m keen to open my mind to find high performance wherever it can be found


Thanks to @appliedIG for the perspective

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Michaela Weller

Director, Brand & Offer

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