The challenge:

Global brand Levi’s describes how, from its products to its practices, innovation is integral, and sustainability is as essential as fabric and thread. The organisation is building on its heritage to move forward, to be as innovative and relevant to today’s consumers – and tomorrow’s – as it was when Levi’s invented the blue jean nearly 150 years ago.

Leading Edge are proud to have partnered with a client such as Levi’s for many years, supporting senior teams across Europe with building high performance. In 2021, our strong relationships with European colleagues opened up a global opportunity to facilitate Highly Effective Teams (H.E.T.) journeys for both the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) and the Commercial Operations Leadership Team (COLT).

As with so many global organisations and global teams, the past couple of years have significantly disrupted established ways of working. To come out strongly from those challenging years, Levi’s ELT and COLT focused on reviewing and rethinking how they come together most effectively as global teams in this changing landscape and context.

Senior leaders at Levi’s looked to Leading Edge’s established H.E.T. model as a framework that would flex and adapt to how they work now in a hybrid world with the scope to look and feel different for each team going on a journey to high performance.


What we delivered:

Leading Edge have built great partnerships with Levi’s through many Highly Effective Teams journeys over the years, focusing on ‘disrupting thinking’ to unite the team around a higher purpose, identify collaboration priorities, strengthen ways of working and build winning behaviours.

In 2022, we’re delivering H.E.T. journeys for the ELT (a team of 12) and the COLT (a team of 20) – along with many more journeys filtering down for these senior leaders’ individual teams in Asia and Europe as a way to support high performance.

By facilitating challenge around how teams work and how they think in this hybrid workplace, our Team Coaches use their varied skills and experience from sport and business environments to explore the H.E.T. framework with the teams – both face to face and virtually ­– and bring about a new version that drives performance in the world we live in now.

Wellbeing and belonging feature strongly in this hybrid H.E.T. model to bring about a higher sense of their importance for teams working in a hybrid context. The flexible framework nature of Leading Edge’s H.E.T. makes it possible to expand focus areas to support the specific requirements of each team – or bring in areas not focused on before as part of driving high performance.

The results achieved:


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