What we delivered:
Olympian and Leading Edge Team Coach Lizzie Simmonds designed and facilitated a series of virtual workshops for the Future Creators Development Centres in May 2021. Through role-modelling scenarios, she brought to life the mindset needed to perform in a challenging environment, looking closely at the psychology behind thriving under pressure. Lizzie shared mechanisms from elite sport, helping delegates understand the brain’s natural response to stress and acquire processes to stay calm in testing situations.
With a focus on values-based leadership, the cohort was encouraged to use the feedback received elsewhere during the programme – both positive and negative – as valuable data to help shape and drive their development.
In January 2022, to facilitate additional support for this cohort, Drax split the delegates into two groups for a second touchpoint with Lizzie. Through discovery with the programme organisers and previous Future Creators delegates, it was agreed that a session on trust, delegation and empowerment would have the most impact for these future leaders.
This session was based around holistic leadership skills and focused on supporting the cohort’s transition from being high-performing individuals themselves, to empowering their teams to become the stars of the show.
The delegates unpicked real and imagined roadblocks around delegation and, through peer-to-peer coaching, explored practical methods for increasing their capacity to trust and empower their teams.