What’s Psychological Safety Got To Do With High Performance?

elen Richardson-Walsh, Olympian, TEAMGB Hockey Gold & Bronze medallist

January’s virtual performance hub conversation focused on ‘how can leaders and organisations create the environment in which people feel safe?’ – – safe to innovate, safe to make mistakes, safe to challenge, safe to ‘bring me’ and be authentic.

Sharing personal insights were:

  • Helen Richardson-Walsh, Olympian, TEAMGB Hockey Gold & Bronze medallist
  • Paul Gardner, Commercial Vice President, Pet Nutrition Europe, MARS
  • Clarie Davidson, Performance Psychology Lead, The FA

Soundbites. Some of our favourite bits:

‘If our talent isn’t safe and comfortable to challenge, to push, …to take risks on and off the pitch, we’re never going to get the invaluable insights and ideas that make the difference between winning and losing. It’s our biggest competitive advantage – at the top there isn’t that much difference between us.’ Claire

‘I believe there is something innate in all of us that, when people show vulnerability, we naturally want to care and to reciprocate. And that builds trust.’ Helen

‘Simon Sinek tells us ‘People don’t come to work to fail’. Some people aren’t good for the roles we put them in – square pegs in round holes – and that isn’t their fault. I take responsibility as leader for putting square pegs in square holes.’ Paul

A little deeper into psychological safety

Google’s Study:
re:Work – The five keys to a successful Google team

Harvard Business Review Podcast featuring Amy Edmondson:
HBR Ideacast Episode 666 : Jan 2019 Amy Edmondson – creating psychological safety in the workplace

Watch the edited recording on Youtube

Our thanks to Helen, Claire and Paul for sharing their insights and personal reflections. We’d love to hear your observations, thoughts and builds. Join in the conversation with us on LinkedIn or Twitter @_leading_edge

NEXT EVENT – Our next Performance Hub virtual event will take place in March. Further details to follow. In February, we’ll be further exploring Women in Leadership and sharing a recording of a recorded virtual conversation with you.

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Michaela Weller

Director, Brand & Offer

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