Exploring ikigai this summer

This week’s blog follows last week’s ‘holiday recharge’ theme – exploring how we can make the most of our summer holidays (can you guess what I’m looking forward to…?).

For many people the holiday period is not only a chance to recharge batteries, but also to take a step back and take stock of their lives. For me, September is a time when I often start new resolutions, having had a chance to think about it all over the summer.  Seasonal recruitment trends indicate both organisations and individuals are active on the job market in the autumn, indicating that I’m not alone!

As part of a recent senior leadership development programme, our Leading Edge Team Coaches explored concept of ‘ikigai’ with the group.  This Japanese concept relates to ‘our reason for being’ and originates from the Japanese island of Okinawa which is said to have the largest population of centenarians in the world.  Discovering your own ikigai is said to bring fulfilment, happiness and make you live longer (and who wouldn’t want that!).  It’s a perfect tool for some summer holiday reflection.

It’s suggested that you can make 3 lists:

  • Your values
  • Things you like to do
  • Things you’re good at

According to Hector Garcia, co-author of Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life, your ikigai is at the intersection of these 3 lists.

So whether you’re exploring these for the first time, or refreshing and renewing, I wish you much ikigai!

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Sam Eddleston

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